Fundraising Complaints Procedure
The Humane League UK Fundraising Complaints Procedure
We are grateful to all those who support our work and we endeavour to provide you with appropriate levels of service and care. As a UK charity, registered with the Fundraising Regulator, we are committed to an ethical and transparent fundraising approach.
Being dedicated to effectiveness, we recognise that we can grow and improve. This is why, at The Humane League UK, we are open to all feedback, positive and negative, about the way we fundraise. We welcome feedback and complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve our activities and campaigns.
How we manage complaints
At The Humane League UK, we will:
- Take all complaints seriously
- Listen to, and engage with, everyone who raises an issue with us
- Respond consistently and fairly
- Aim to respond and resolve issues in a timely manner
- Offer solutions and/or explanations
- Respect confidentiality
- Keep clear records of complaints, keep your data secure and only use it for the purposes of investigating your complaint
- Make use of complaints as an opportunity for learning and development
How to make a complaint to The Humane League UK
Please submit your complaint to:
Post: The Humane League UK The Offices 57 Newtown Road Brighton East Sussex BN3 7BA
Please submit your complaint as soon as possible after an incident has occurred. This will help us to investigate fully.
If you require additional support to access the complaints process, or you are seeking support on behalf of someone else, then please contact us and we will do our best to help.
For additional support, you can call us on: 0800 014 8081
What to include in your complaint
Please tell us as many details as you can about your complaint, including dates, names of individuals involved and any other relevant information. This will help with our investigation.
If possible, please tell us what reasonable action you would like us to take to resolve your complaint.
You may make an anonymous complaint but this may limit our ability to investigate.
What happens next
Our Digital Fundraiser, Klara Schmidt, will review your complaint and escalate it to the relevant member of staff if necessary.
We aim to respond within five working days of receipt, at which point we will advise you of our investigation process and when you can expect an outcome.
Depending on the outcome of our investigation, and if it is appropriate, you may receive a formal written apology and/or the return or refund of any gift or donation that you have made to The Humane League UK. If things have gone wrong we will acknowledge this and take action to put things right. We will advise you of what lessons we have learnt and any changes that may be made as a result of your complaint.
We will do our best to resolve your complaint, but if you are unhappy with the response you have received from us, you can appeal the decision and request that we escalate the complaint to someone more senior at The Humane League UK. We will provide you with details of how to make your appeal when you receive the outcome of your complaint.
Taking your complaint outside of The Humane League UK
We aim to deal with all complaints ourselves, as this is often the quickest way to resolve a complaint and enables us to learn from it.
However, if you are not satisfied with the solution offered, you are entitled to raise the matter with the Fundraising Regulator.
The Fundraising Regulator is the regulatory body for UK fundraising, overseeing charities and agencies compliance with the Code of Fundraising Practice. They can adjudicate on complaints relating to fundraising activities, where the complainant and charity cannot reach a resolution.
Please note, we will not accept abusive or unreasonable behaviour, and in these instances we may either escalate the complaint to a more senior member of staff or end the investigation.