Our Supporter Charter and how we use your donations.

Our Supporter Charter

At The Humane League UK, we are committed to spending every penny on ending the abuse of animals raised for food. We are entirely reliant on donations and believe that we have a responsibility to ensure they are used where they have the greatest impact. We are committed to sound research to ensure effectiveness. By operating a remote organisation and aiming to keep costs as low as possible we reduce our overheads and allow our staff to live in the area that is best for them. This also allows to widen our pool of applicants and we benchmark salaries against other animal protection organisations in the UK so we can attract and retain great staff.

Our commitment to you is that we:

  • Are open and honest about our fundraising activities
  • Will use your gift where it will have greatest impact
  • Always thank you for your support (in accordance with your preferences)
  • Let you know what your donation has made possible
  • Protect all your personal data and will never share it
  • Respect your contact preferences
  • Are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and adhere to their guidelines
  • Recognise the value of every supporter, no matter how big or small the donation.

Thank you

We are so grateful to those kind individuals who choose to support us through a regular or one-off donation. Your kindness enables better protections for animals every day. Thank you.

UK Team thank you image