Your legacy, their future

Leave a legacy of hope for animals by leaving a gift in your Will to The Humane League UK.

By leaving a gift in your Will to The Humane League UK you can help us achieve something truly special: a better world for animals.

At The Humane League UK, we strive for a world where animals are treated with far greater compassion. That's why, by 2050, we will have stopped the worst and most widespread abuse of animals raised for food.

Countless innocent animals suffer in the UK every day. But there is hope. Together, we have already achieved significant victories; freeing hens from cages and convincing hundreds of businesses to sign up to the Better Chicken Commitment.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you are actively ensuring our work can continue, helping to transform the lives of millions of animals for years to come.

Download the guide

Thank you for taking the time to consider your legacy and continuing your support of our work far into the future.

If you want more information, download our PDF guide to leaving a gift in your Will.


How to include The Humane League UK in your Will

We understand that your loved ones will come first but we hope that, after they are provided for, you will also consider remembering THL UK and the animals we take a stand for.

It is simple to add THL UK as a beneficiary of your Will. To do so, please make sure to include our registered name, address and charity number.

Registered charity name: The Humane League UK

Registered charity address: The Offices, 57 Newtown Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN3 7BA

Registered charity number: 1177926

Making a Will doesn’t need to be complicated. Check out our ten simple steps or download our guide to leaving a gift in your Will.

You can also find further information in our frequently asked questions.

  • Knowing I could leave something behind that would help animals now and in the future gave me peace of mind. It meant I could feel hopeful for a better world where animals will no longer be abused for food.

    Martin, THL UK Supporter and Legacy Pledger

Why Vicky chose to leave a gift in her Will to THL UK

"I know that even after I'm gone, I will still be contributing to ending factory farming for good."

Read more
Vicky with pig

Our promise to you

Leaving a gift in your Will to THL UK is a significant decision. That’s why we promise that:

  • If you choose to remember THL UK in your Will, we will make sure your gift achieves the greatest impact for animals.
  • Every gift matters: every legacy, no matter the size, will help us achieve significant wins for the animals.
  • We will never put you under any pressure - making a Will is a big decision and we know that it can take time.
  • We understand that your loved ones will always come first. But we hope that, after they are provided for, you will also remember THL UK and the animals we fight for.
  • We will respect your privacy. We’d love to know if you remember us in your Will and we will keep any details confidential.
  • We promise to treat your legacy with the utmost respect and care.
  • You can change your mind at any time.
  • Klara Schmidt

    Get in touch

    If you have any further questions about leaving a gift in your Will, or you are a solicitor or executor managing a gift that has been left to THL UK, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Klara, our Digital Fundraiser, would be delighted to hear from you.

    Contact details:

    Phone: 0800 014 8081
    Post: The Humane League UK
    The Offices
    57 Newtown Road
    East Sussex
    BN3 7BA

Badges section

2024 ACE Recommended Charity
2024 Recommended charity

The Humane League has been chosen as one of the most effective animal groups worldwide by Animal Charity Evaluators. We are the only organisation to receive this distinction for every rating period.

Fundraising Regulator
Fundraising Regulator

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. Our commitment to you is to ensure our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.