Chickens Deserve Better
Joint Statement: Advocates for Animals and The Humane League UK
Judges at the Court of Appeal hear why breeding Frankenchickens is illegal.
Chickens Deserve Better
Judges at the Court of Appeal hear why breeding Frankenchickens is illegal.
Our Movement
The scale of factory farming is immense. Step-by-step changes make a world of difference for animals.
Chickens Deserve Better
Chickens are a classic image of Easter, but are suffering on an industrial scale
Factory farming
Using insects as animal feed is not a solution. There is now a growing body of evidence that insects are conscious and can feel pain.
Professor Benjamin Zephaniah stood up for justice in all areas of life, and was a passionate defender of animals.
Chickens Deserve Better
Around 300 million chickens raised to Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) standards will experience one third the severe pain of conventional birds.
July marked 200 years of animal welfare laws in the UK and yet hens are still locked in cages.